
Such approaches have shifted the ways in which we perceive ourselves, in relation to our online identities (data bodies) and their positioning within the various socio/political/ economic networks that they traverse. As our online presence consolidates, what happens to our material presence? What traces, shadows, echoes and footprints from digital presence become materialised?...The Data Body as Artifact Exhibition seeks to investigate these questions, along with challenging popular notions of what mixed and augmented reality art is, how we frame such an openly diverse field and most importantly, what contribution can creative discourse offer towards a broader understanding of how we humans situate ourselves within these constantly evolving multiple realities and finally what effect/affect this has on our bodies.

So now that you're getting used to a MBD update mid-week....SURPRISE! Let's mix-it-up-a-tad and slot one into the Monday mix [this could be the last for a while, as that workaholic mode is gonna be revved up high for the foreseeable future - so let's go at it full pelt, shall we?]:
Locking in the interview date/time for "

[#Carnivast at ELO 2015]
We are excited to present a fabulous program for ELO 2015 in Bergen this summer! Please be aware that the program is still slightly in flux as speakers and artists finalise their travel plans, and there may be some cancellations. Talks, workshops and exhibitions will be at the University of Bergen, Bergen Public Library and at galleries across town.