16 Nov

New Media Art in Humanities Research

Today the Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art at Cornell, which Murray still curates, is one of the world's most significant collections of new media art—artwork produced on portable or web-based digital media, as well as multimedia artworks that reflect digital extensions of aesthetic developments in cinema, video, installation, photography, and sound. Along with the works themselves, the archive collects documentation of digital-related art (video art and some early forms of sound art that are analog in nature) and electronic art. It also engages in large-scale research projects on the preservation of digital art.

"This archive [http://goldsen.library.cornell.edu/] is a major research project," Murray says. "It permits me to be at the forefront of international endeavors in electronic and digital art. It is also an interactive incubator of artistic research and expression. And it's open for teaching access. Everything we do is open access if not open source."

Source: New Media Art in Humanities Research | Cornell Research