
5 Oct

#Provocare Hard Launch + Assorted Announcement Goodness

Away-stepping from tech for a long weekend and it seems 'sif the digital world continues to turn without me being in it [how *dare* it! ;)]. Anyhoo, just checking into the Studio and *BOOM!!* - excite-worthy announcements are now splathered all over the shop, including: Transitio_MX06 is wrapping up as we speaktype, with #PRISOM having showcase-featured alongside such gobstonkingly great games as The Stanley Parable and Papers, Please.
16 Aug

Still Buzzing: Tumblr International Prize in Digital Art

Mez Breeze, Andy Campbell Selected for the Tumblr Prize in digital art with @thespacearts http://t.co/WzaPo8K6WV pic.twitter.com/7qMVYyzRmB — Tumblr (@tumblr) August 5, 2015
27 Jul

VR Pioneers Who Happen To Be All Women

[Image Credits: vrscout.com] "A June 8th tweet during the Apple WWDC 2015 celebrated something rare: a longer than usual line at the ladies room. It was widely reported as a sign that more women might finally be getting involved in technology. This has long been the mantra: not enough women in technical fields, and it seems to be especially true in today's resurgence of Virtual Reality.