
So there's certain news tidbits that I should've been rabidly noting down here lately [think: this, that, and the other], but due to deadline insanity and crazyhuge workloads, instead I've found myself in a-neglect-my-blog rut...
…until now.
I'm the very definition of thrilled [look it up in the dictionary: betcha there's one o' my Virtual Reality avatars sitting there looking right smug] to be showing three Virtual Reality works at this 2017 International Festival of Virtual Reality hosted by the cultural association "

"I think poets in particular play a really important role in drawing attention to the way these technologies are evolving...Mez Breeze is maybe the most recognizable Glitch Poetics artist that I mention, in that her way of writing is a composite of code language (so algorithms or a written piece of code) and a poem.

It's been a long time coming, and now the beta release of Episode 6 of the born-digital series Inanimate Alice is so close we can almost taste it. Ian Harper, the Series Producer [with whom I'm currently in the midst of cooking up an exciting new Inanimate Alice Storyverse co-production] has this to say about "

Today the Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art at Cornell, which Murray still curates, is one of the world's most significant collections of new media art—artwork produced on portable or web-based digital media, as well as multimedia artworks that reflect digital extensions of aesthetic developments in cinema, video, installation, photography, and sound. Along with the works themselves, the archive collects documentation of digital-related art (video art and some early forms of sound art that are analog in nature) and electronic art.

Away-stepping from tech for a long weekend and it seems 'sif the digital world continues to turn without me being in it [how *dare* it! ;)]. Anyhoo, just checking into the Studio and *BOOM!!* - excite-worthy announcements are now splathered all over the shop, including:
Transitio_MX06 is wrapping up as we speaktype, with #PRISOM having showcase-featured alongside such gobstonkingly great games as The Stanley Parable and Papers, Please.